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This Raku bowl has beautiful skin with shigusuri (Ichinyu's invention of new type of glaze, mottled black glaze with red), and significant kodai, foot of the bowl. 

This bowl is named after Owari-no-Hamanushi, who played an important role in the formation of gagaku (Japanese court dance and music) in 8th century. When he was 113 years old, Hamanushi performed in front of emperor and received a great praise. The fluidity of red glaze on this bowl might have an atmosphere of airy movement of Hamanushi.

Black Raku Bowl named "Hinshu"

Black Raku Bowl named "Hinshu"


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Size Diameter 122mm xHeight 78mm
Artist 樂⼀⼊
Material Ceramic
Period Edo period (17th century)
Note Box signed by Gengensai
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